Why hello there!
I'm a 17 year old baker who has been inspired to start her own blog. Inspired by what, you might ask?
The patisseries I drooled over the last time I was in France...
my first maccaron (which also happened to be the best.. so far at least!)
Blogs like Bakerella, Cakespy, Our Best Bites, Brown Eyed Baker, cupcake takes the cake, baked perfection, I could just keep going on and on and on!
bakerella, queen of the cake pops
Some of Cakespy's delicious artwork
The Cupcake book like Hello, Cupcake! which is never ending with creative cupcake ideas. If you've got an occasion, they've got a cupcake.
as well as the cupcake bakeries that are becoming popular worldwide. crumbs, being my favorite.
And mainly, the thing that inspires me the most is the reaction you get when someone tries whatever you baked. Impressed, delighted or whatever reaction they have, it makes it all worthwhile. As cheesy as this may sound, the satisfaction of a job well done really is the best reward (At least for baking it is).
So to make a disclaimer, I am not, nor will I ever be Martha Stewart. I also was not raised by Paula Deen, infact quite the opposite. My Mom hardly ever baked and when she did it wasn't from scratch, she didn't really see the point in it. Some people see me as an impressive baker but I still see myself as an ameteur (Again, I'm only 17. Give me a break!) . I made this blog to track my progress and mabye (possibly) inspire other bakers. Just mabye.
I am also interested in fashion, music, movies and more so I will write about those things as well. (My whole life doesn't revolve around food, even though this blog might make you think so!)
Thanks for reading. Until next post, my name is Erin and I am Baking History. (Get it??)
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